Thursday, July 17, 2008

A change was due...

So even though my SIL has been too busy to do an overhaul on my blog, I decided to go ahead with the name change. I discovered that I can change the link also, but am afraid that will just cause problems for those of you who are linked to my blog... so I'll leave the url the same :)

What do you think of the new name??

I love it :) I wish the rest of the blog was as I had pictured it... but I am bound by the limitations of blogger so it is what it is :)

I missed a GREAT photo op today! We took the dogs out to the lake and I decided not to take the camera as I have taken it every time we go and never find a reason to use it. (Ducking now so that Ter won't slap me). Well, today there was a fire truck out there by the lake and they were doing something with their hoses and such.. and Blake went over to watch. I looked over to make sure he wasn't in their way and with the firetruck as a background, there was a fire fighter leaned over with his hands on his knees talking eye to eye with Blake about what they were doing. It was the MOST AMAZING scene! Most likely I would have missed it anway because I wouldn't have had the camera ready (I'm just so not good at that crap). But dammit! I keep kicking myself for not at least taking the darn thing with me!

Honey had a blast at the lake versus the river. At the river she has to fight the current to swim. I think she's getting too old for that now because she loses steam much faster than she used to. But at the lake she can swim at her own pace and not have to fight anything. She thought it was great.

Dolly doesn't really like to swim. She will wade. She will run under the sprinkler. She won't voluntarily go into the water and swim. I had her on her leash and Mike threw the ball for Honey and when Honey ran for the water, she got tangled in the leash and pulled Dolly into the lake with her. Dolls was none to happy about THAT incident. LOL :)

It was fun, until Blake didn't follow the rules that his father laid out and we had to leave sooner than expected. Mike and I didn't even get to swim :(

So.. now that this post has been a post of many topics... leave me a comment and tell me what you think about the new name. And if you think I should change the url to wow that's a handful to type! Perhaps just LOL!!!


Stacey said...

That's a long URL, but I've seen longer. I like the new name!

Ter said...

mine's long too. but I noticed alot of blogs that don't have a matching title with their URL but that's because they want to leave the link the same so past guests can still find them. I guess. ;) Or so that people don't have to change their links in their blogrolls.