For those of you who don't know... Blake has joined the Mt. Pleasant Pacers swim team! I am amazed at how much his swimming has improved since he started (only a few weeks ago). He has always been a water bug (my sis calls him her "dolphin baby")... but his skills are improving by leaps and bounds!
This past Friday, he had his first meet. He did pretty good. We told him we don't care if he wins, as long as he does his very best... and we could tell he was trying his hardest out there!
Here are some pics for you:
The coach writes his races on his hand, so that he knows when to get ready :)
On your mark...
Get Set....
Oh yeah... no pictures of the "GO!" because Mike was running the digital camera AND the video camera at the same time.
We got him this medal... on the front it has a swimmer... on the back it says, "!st Meet 10-10-08 Keep your eye on the prize."
The 3 of us after the meet... we really aren't trying to squish him! LOL!!
yay blake!
tell blake little will and i said congrats! let me know how the next swim meets go.
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